Insurance Massachusetts



Demand for rail continues to expand. However, this growth is challenged with aging infrastructure and historical rail procedures. Poor leadership has resulted in poor safety performance including derailments and even deaths.


ELP’s innovative Strategic Performance Management (SPM) Process guarantees better communication, resulting in more focus, alignment and accountability. We target safety, operational standards, and strict adherence to procedures.


After following the SPM process, one client enjoyed > $1 million in savings and improved safety metrics within the first 90 days of partnering with ELP.

More accountable and engaged behaviors allowed accelerated franchise expansion resulting in steadily improving safety performance and > 16% YOY EBITDA growth.

ELP challenged us to set higher individual and team revenue goals. This challenge yielded an additional $950,000 in commitments from the team, who stepped up delivered on the “ask”. I recommend ELP be invited into your organization so that you can start realizing the benefits of their presence and guidance. You will not regret your decision!

– Kelle Williams – Senior Director, OmniTRAX