Dr. Ryan Kentrus

Leadership Coach & Master Instructor

Ryan is an Executive/Leadership Coach and primary instructor for ELP.  Ryan earned his undergraduate degree in Business from Frostburg State University.  He also holds a doctorate in Business Management from the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). 

Ryan’s claim to fame is his embrace of total performance improvement.  This includes body, soul, and mind.  Zeroing in on wellness, ELP’s Kentrus shares his expertise with leaders on topics such as morning routines, fitness, biohacking, and nutrition.  He also pays it forward as a Senior Lecturer at Frostburg State University where he’s touched hundreds of students and future leaders on almost every managerial discipline imaginable inclusive of entrepreneurship, leadership, and ethics.  His teaching and instruction knows no borders. Literally.  Ryan is a regular instructor at Germany’s renowned University, DHBW Mosbach.  At any and all venues, you can bank on Ryan earning the highest teaching and instructor scores/feedback. 

As mentioned above, Kentrus is an authority on developing the whole person to drive performance gains.  He thinks about this stuff continuously and is widely regarded as a thought-leader in all dimensions of coaching.  In fact, Ryan recently authored an article entitled “Managing Metaphors-Executive Coaching and the Role and Power of Analogy” in the prestigious Journal of Workplace Learning.  This creative and provocative piece argues that an executive/leadership coach can often fulfill roles analogous to a therapist, a priest/pastor, or a physical trainer.  An earlier version of this manuscript was presented at the esteemed 2022 Academy of Management meeting in Seattle. 

When not on the road teaching tomorrow’s leaders or building budding superheroes, Ryan can be found on his mountain bike going up and down the mountains in Western Maryland in Frostburg.  Practicing what he preaches, Ryan is a physical guy who loves running and jiu jitsu.  And if you get up real early, like 5AM, you may find Ryan cold-plunging either by himself or with one of his four kids.