Jason Morwick, PMP, LSMBB

SVP Innovation

Jay is an OD Specialist for ELP with a particular focus on leading remote and hybrid teams in multiple virtual environments and developing strong remote work/work-from-home programs. Jason is a graduate of West Point and holds an MBA from Regis University. Setting Jason apart are additional credentials such as Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (LSMBB) and certified Project Management Professional (PMP).

Jason cut his teeth at some of our nation’s largest and most iconic firms such as General Electric and Cisco Systems where his experiences covered supply chain operations, finance, project management, and HR. Today, Jason is widely regarded as a world expert in leading remote and hybrid teams, teleworking, virtual teams, and other working-from-home initiatives. Jason’s books on these topics include Remote Leadership: Successfully Leading Work-From-Anywhere and Hybrid Teams (Walk the Talk, 2021), Workshift: Future-Proof Your Organization for the 21st Century (Palgrave Macmillon) and Making Telework Work: Leading People and Leveraging Technology for High-impact Results (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2009). Using these books as his platform, he’s delivered training and policy guidance on telework and remote work to truly giant organizations such as the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the State of West Virginia, Thomson Reuters, Tufts Health Plan, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STSI) in Washington D.C.

At ELP, Jason puts his thought-leadership to use. Specifically, he expertly guides organizations to design strategies, implement program plans, and develop leaders and employees as they transition to the modern, flexible workplace. In a post-COVID world, where the nature of work is structurally changing, minds like Jason’s are in demand. Fortunately, he’s hanging his hat at ELP and we’re lucky to have him on our staff.

When Jason’s not saving the world in this post-COVID era by helping us all lead better in the virtual workplace, you can find him in front of the television. There, you can find him watching everything and anything related to the Boston and New England sports scene. Jason also dabbles in writing fiction where he’s written two successful novels.